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Start Where You Are a guide to compassionate living by Pema Chodron

 Start Where You Are  a guide to compassionate living by Pema Chodron

Start Where You Are

a guide to
compassionate living

Pema Chödrön

Start Where You Are  a guide to compassionate living by Pema Chodron

© 1994 by Pema Chödrön

Preface ix
Acknowledgments xiii
1. No Escape, No Problem 1
2. No Big Deal 12
3. Pulling Out the Rug 20
4. Let the World Speak for Itself 27
5. Poison as Medicine 36
6. Start Where You Are 44
7. Bringing All That We Meet to the Path 60
8. Drive All Blames into One 69
9. Be Grateful to Everyone 77
10. Cutting the Solidity of Thoughts 87
11. Overcoming Resistance 97
12. Empty Boat 109
13. Teachings for Life and Death 115
14. Loving-Kindness and Compassion 124
15. Lighten Up 130
16. Abandon Any Hope of Fruition 136
17. Compassionate Action 144
18. Taking Responsibility for 156
Your Own Actions
19. Communication from the Heart 165
20. The Big Squeeze 175
21. High-Stakes Practice 190
22. Train Wholeheartedly 201
Appendix: The Root Text of the Seven
Points of Training the Mind 207
Bibliography 213
Resources 215
Index of Slogans 219

Start Where You Are  a guide to compassionate living by Pema Chodron

This book is about awakening the heart. If you
have ever wondered how to awaken your genuine compassionate heart, this book will serve as
a guide.
In our era, when so many people are seeking help
to relate to their own feelings of woundedness and
at the same time wanting to help relieve the suffering they see around them, the ancient teachings
presented here are especially encouraging and to
the point. When we find that we are closing down to
ourselves and to others, here is instruction on how
to open. When we find that we are holding back,
here is instruction on how to give. That which is unwanted and rejected in ourselves and in others can
be seen and felt with honesty and compassion. This
is teaching on how to be there for others without
I first encountered these teachings in The Great
Path of Awakening by the nineteenth-century Tibetan
teacher Jamgön Kongtrül the Great. Called the lojong teachings, they include a very supportive meditation practice called tonglen and the practice of
working with the seven points of mind training

which comes from an old Tibetan text called The
Root Text of the Seven Points of Training the Mind, by
Chekawa Yeshe Dorje. (See appendix.)
Lojong means “mind training.” The lojong teachings are organized around seven points that contain
fifty-nine pithy slogans that remind us how to awaken
our hearts.* Working with the slogans constitutes the
heart of this book. These teachings belong to the
mahayana school of Buddhism, which emphasizes
compassionate communication and compassionate
relationship with others. They also emphasize that
we are not as solid as we think. In truth, there is enormous space in which to live our everyday lives. They
help us see that the sense of a separate, isolated self
and a separate, isolated other is a painful misunderstanding that we could see through and let go.
Tonglen means “taking in and sending out.” This
meditation practice is designed to help ordinary people like ourselves connect with the openness and
softness of our hearts. Instead of shielding and protecting our soft spot, with tonglen we could let ourselves feel what it is to be human. By so doing, we
could widen our circle of compassion. Through this
book I hope others may find such encouragement.
When I first read the lojong teachings I was struck
by their unusual message that we can use our difficulties and problems to awaken our hearts. Rather

than seeing the unwanted aspects of life as obstacles,
Jamgön Kongtrül presented them as the raw material
necessary for awakening genuine uncontrived compassion: we can start where we are. Whereas in
Kongtrül’s commentary the emphasis is primarily on
taking on the suffering of others, it is apparent that in
this present age it is necessary to also emphasize that
the first step is to develop compassion for our own
wounds. This book stresses repeatedly that it is unconditional compassion for ourselves that leads naturally to unconditional compassion for others. If we
are willing to stand fully in our own shoes and never
give up on ourselves, then we will be able to put ourselves in the shoes of others and never give up on
them. True compassion does not come from wanting
to help out those less fortunate than ourselves but
from realizing our kinship with all beings.
Later I heard these instructions presented in a
more contemporary mode by my own teacher, Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche. (These have now been
published in the book Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving-Kindness.) Trungpa Rinpoche pointed
out that he had first been given these teachings when
he was quite young and that it was a great relief to
him to find that Buddhism could be so practical and
so helpful in everyday life. He was inspired to find
that we could bring everything we encounter to the
path and use it to awaken our intelligence, our compassion, and our ability to take a fresh look.

In the winters of 1992 and 1993, I led one-month
practice periods, called dathuns, completely dedicated to these lojong teachings and to the meditation
practice of tonglen. Most important, those of us participating wanted to put these instructions into practice continually as the inevitable frustrations and
difficulties of daily life arose. We saw the dathun as a
chance to take the instructions to heart and apply
them in all situations, especially those in which we
usually prefer to blame or criticize or ignore. That is,
we saw it as a chance to use the teachings to relate on
the spot with an open heart and an open mind to the
aggression, the craving, and the denial that we find in
ourselves and in others.
Even for those who are unfamiliar with meditation, the lojong teachings present the possibility of an
entire change of attitude: we could relate compassionately with that which we prefer to push away, and
we could learn to give away and share that which we
hold most dear.
For those who feel prepared to practice sitting
meditation and tonglen meditation and to work with
the lojong slogans in an ongoing way, doing so may be
the beginning of learning what it really means to love.
This is a method for allowing a lot of space, so that
people can relax and open. This is the path of unconditional compassionate living. It is designed especially for people who find themselves living in times
of darkness. May it be of benefit.

I would like to acknowledge the help of Pat
Cousineau and Lynne Vande Bunte, who did most of
the typing, and of Judith Anderson, Marilyn Hayes,
Trime Lhamo, Lynne Vande Bunte, and Helen
Tashima, who did the transcribing. Also thanks to
Pam Gaines, who not only typed but also found people to help, and especially to Migme Chödrön, who
did the first edit of the original manuscript and was a
constant support to me during all the steps of preparing this book. Last but certainly not least, I want
to thank Emily Hilburn Sell of Shambhala Publications. I feel extremely fortunate that she once again
agreed to transform the talks into their final form.


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