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How They Started by Carol Tice & David Lester

 How They Started by Carol Tice & David Lester


How 25 good ideas
became great companies

Carol Tice & David Lester

How They Started by Carol Tice & David Lester
© Crimson Publishing, 2012

Chapter authors
Electronic Arts
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Jamba Juice
Whole Foods Market
BlackBerry (RIM)
The Coca-Cola Company
The Walt Disney Company

We must first thank all the founders of the businesses featured who
consented to give detailed, frank and insightful interviews about the very
earliest days of their companies. Many revealed stories and information
that have not been shared publicly before.
Many early-stage investors in these brands, founding team members,
and other associates of the founders were also generous in sharing their
memories and knowledge of the fledgling brands we feature in this book.
And we must also thank the companies, many of which are no longer
run or owned by the original founders. These businesses, in numerous
cases, provided additional supporting information and photography that
they have kindly agreed to let us use here.
Finally, it is appropriate to thank those at Crimson Publishing, who
have spent a considerable amount of time putting this book together.
Carol Tice, as co-author, has been instrumental in securing exclusive
interviews and personally authored 11 chapters herself. Her dedication,
resourcefulness and writing ability have ensured that the stories told here
are unique and of the highest quality. But, as she says, “My biggest
thanks go to my husband Larry ... without you, nothing gets written.”

 How They Started by Carol Tice & David Lester

Most of us have come across an idea we think would make an
awesome business. That sixth sense, this-is-special moment when you’re
standing in a place that’s crying out for a new restaurant/bar/whatever. Or
you get that feeling of boiling frustration with a product or experience and
think “this should be so much better.” Truth is, most of us don’t act on
those would-be killer thoughts.

This book is about the people who did. It tells the remarkable stories of
people who had innovative ideas and built them into some of the hottest
businesses on the planet. From afar, the scorching success these
companies have had makes it look easy. It’s not. The stories themselves
are as compelling as most novels, with more twists and turns than most
founders would have anticipated. It’s probably better they didn’t know
what lay ahead, or they might never have started at all.
We decided to write this book to look much more deeply into why and
how some of America’s most successful companies got started. It seems
much harder to set something up from nothing than to take something
that’s working and grow it. And we’ve found it even more fascinating than
we’d expected.

How we selected the companies featured
Of all the many stand-out companies, how did we come up with this list?
We started with the idea that we wanted to write about companies most
people knew about. That way, the stories are more real, and also more
We knew we wanted a variety—some of America’s established
corporate giants as well as plenty of more recent, fresh and disruptive
startups, which will be more helpful to anyone currently starting up, or
thinking about doing so. We also knew we wanted a selection of business
types—for all the opportunities and great startups in technology, this
nation is home to many young, game-changing companies in other
sectors, too. And we wanted founders from a variety of cities and
backgrounds. Finally, we wanted entertaining stories—and we weren’t

We hope that after reading this book, many of you will feel more
confident about acting on an idea you might have to start or expand a
small business. That’s part of the job we hope this book does.
But some of you will also be struck by how hard it can be to build a
business to that level. And how risky. If some of you finish this book and
decide that starting up might not be for you after all, then we will still have
accomplished something worthwhile.

We don’t believe everyone should start a business. We are often asked
what it takes to start a company and make it a success. Part of what it
takes is the resilience and commitment to get through the hard times that
almost every startup will face along the way. Not everyone has that.
What else does it take? The stories here give us the same answer as
the hundreds of other entrepreneurs we have interviewed or gotten to
know. Mainly, it takes an innovative idea, passion and commitment. With
enough of that, everything else should follow. The other essential
qualities include a willingness to work unbelievably hard, getting at least
comfortable with simple business finances, and the ability and
determination to focus.

What about luck? “Be lucky.” “Good luck.” We use phrases like this all
the time. How important is luck to a startup? You will surely make your
own mind up as you read the chapters here. Our sense is that most
entrepreneurs make their own luck. As the saying goes—the harder you
work, the luckier you get. There are occasions when an entrepreneur
gets lucky, but so long as you work hard and do the right things, at some
stage “luck” is likely to happen to you, too. The people who appear
luckiest are usually the ones who have looked around and seen an
opportunity, and have worked their tails off to make it happen.
One surprising theme in the book is education and money—and in
some cases, the lack of both. Sure, both help, but not having a college
degree or wealthy parents is no longer a barrier to starting your own
business. It’s the American Dream—if you work real hard, you can still
come from nothing, build a business of your own, and make it successful.
For over a hundred years, this country has spawned bold and
ambitious companies which have led the world in many different sectors.
And arguably, this has never been more true than now, with American
entrepreneurs leading the world in many fields. And that is no

America is a truly great country for a startup. The culture is unusually
open to new ventures, which means it is cooler and more acceptable to
start a business here than in probably any other country. There is much
better access to financing than anywhere else, too—the business angel
and venture capital communities are better developed and more open to
startups. There are many top-notch business schools and unrivalled
support—magazines, websites and blogs, books, and so on. And right
now, America offers the biggest market in the world; all-accessible with a
common language and robust infrastructure. Taken together, these are
huge advantages. Against that, there is probably more competition here
than any place else, too.

There has probably never been a better time to start a new business—
there is more affordable technology lowering the barriers to entry, new
digital opportunities everywhere and more help and resources to support
entrepreneurs than ever before. Today, you can set up faster and
cheaper than ever before, and access national and international markets
straight away.
We hope that some of you will read this book and be so inspired you
go on to build a great company—and feature in a new edition a few years
from now.
But more than anything else, we hope you enjoy reading this book as
much as we enjoyed creating it.
David Lester (editor) and
Carol Tice (main author)

How They Started: How 25 Good Ideas Became Great Companies, Reviews

3.8/5 · Goodreads


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