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You Are Not Your Brain


The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life

You Are Not Your Brain

Book by Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Rebecca Gladding

Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
PART ONE - A Sense of Self
CHAPTER 1 - You Are Not Your Brain
CHAPTER 2 - Using Your Mind to Change Your Brain
CHAPTER 3 - Why Habits Are So Hard to Break
CHAPTER 4 - Why These Sensations Feel So Real
CHAPTER 5 - A New Sense of Self
PART TWO - The Skills
CHAPTER 6 - Ignoring, Minimizing, and Neglecting
CHAPTER 7 - Moving Forward with the Four Steps
CHAPTER 8 - You Can’t Change What You Can’t See
CHAPTER 9 - Changing Your Relationship to Deceptive Brain Messages with
Step 2: Reframe
CHAPTER 10 - Reframing Your Thinking Errors
CHAPTER 11 - The Power Is in the Focus
CHAPTER 12 - Progressive Mindfulness and Step 4: Revalue
PART THREE - Applying the Four Steps to Your Life
CHAPTER 13 - What Is Going On Here?
CHAPTER 14 - Using the Four Steps to Help You Move Forward in Your Life
CHAPTER 15 - Putting It All Together



There are only a few true necessities in life, but for many of us, it doesn’t feel
that way. A lifetime of habits, ingrained by repetition, can seemingly make us
slaves to a not always beneficial master—our own brain.
Nothing is more confusing or painful than when your brain takes over your
thoughts, attacks your self-worth, questions your abilities, overpowers you with
cravings, or attempts to dictate your actions. Have you ever felt that something is
compelling you to “go” places, mentally or emotionally, where you don’t want to
be? Do you find yourself acting in uncharacteristic ways or doing things you
don’t really want to be doing?
The reason is simple: Deceptive brain messages have intruded into your
psyche and taken over your life. Left to its own devices, your brain can cause

you to believe things that are not true and to act in any number of selfdestructive ways, such as:
• Overthinking problems and fretting over things that are out of your
• Getting stuck or panicked by unfounded fear and worries
• Blaming and chastising yourself for things that are not your fault
• Engaging in unhealthy behaviors to escape life’s daily stresses
• Reverting to past patterns when you are trying to make a change

The more often you act in these unhealthy ways, the more you teach your
brain that what is simply a habit (a learned behavior) is essential to your
survival. Your brain does not distinguish whether the action is beneficial or
destructive; it just responds to how you behave and then generates strong
impulses, thoughts, desires, cravings, and urges that compel you to perpetuate
your habit, whatever it may be. Unfortunately, more often than not, these
behaviors are not ones that improve your life.
Clearly, the brain can exert a powerful grip on one’s life—but only if you let it.
The good news is that you can overcome the brain’s control and rewire your
brain to work for you by learning to debunk the myths it has been so
successfully selling you and by choosing to act in healthy, adaptive ways. That’s
the mission of this book and the cornerstone of our approach: to share our
innovative, empowering method of learning how to identify and demystify
deceptive brain messages, so that you develop healthy, adaptive brain circuits
that enable you to live a fulfilling life free from these unwanted, unhelpful, and
false intruders.

It will be your life, the life you have chosen, with the brain you have sculpted
—not the old path of troubling actions and behaviors imposed upon you by
deceptive brain messages.
How can you achieve this? With our Four Step method, which teaches simple
skills you can use and practice every day and apply to any unsatisfactory part of
your life. The result will be a lasting change in perspective, courtesy of a source
that has been seriously stifled by the deceptive brain messages: your intelligent,
caring inner guide. This friend will help you counteract deceptive brain
messages and act in concert with your own goals, values, and interests. You will
finally see who you really are—not who your brain has been telling you that you
are—and put your true self in the driver’s seat for the rest of your life.
Sound difficult to accomplish? You won’t think so after you read the stories of
others who have successfully employed our Four Step method to turn their lives
around. You Are Not Your Brain touches on intimate personal journeys of several
people whose lives were once plagued by deceptive brain messages and who
managed to break the cycle—like Sarah, who struggled with depression and selfdoubt; Ed, who was paralyzed by fears of rejection; Steve, who used alcohol to
relieve stress; Liz, who worried about her future; Kara, who felt she was
unlovable unless she was physically perfect; John, who repetitively checked email as a way to assuage his fear that his girlfriend was leaving him; or Abby,

who constantly worried that something bad would happen to someone she loved.
While your situation may not be as dramatic or intense, some form of
deceptive brain messages impacts almost everyone at some point in life. Even if
our lives usually run smoothly, when we are stressed or feeling down these false
thoughts and unhealthy actions find a way to sneak in and cause havoc. They can
shake our confidence, make us find ways to escape reality, use drugs or alcohol,
overeat, spend money we don’t have, avoid people we care about, become angry,
develop excessive expectations of ourselves, not say what we really think or feel,
limit our range of experiences, worry excessively . . . you name it. Even in the
most benign situations, giving in to deceptive brain messages causes us to lose
time that would have been better spent elsewhere. At its worst, we end up acting
impulsively—in ways that are not representative of who we really are—and
falling into grief and regret.

Most encouragingly, however, this powerful approach will help you identify
and deal with the majority of your problems, not just one symptom, because we
focus on the underlying, unifying cause of your distress: deceptive brain
messages. In short, You Are Not Your Brain will empower you to approach life’s
ups and downs in a skillful way, using just four easily learned steps. You will
find that repeated practice with the Four Steps will transform your life—and
your brain—giving you the power to become the person you want to be.

How This Book Is Unique

A critical component to getting better—in the long term—is to understand that
these highly deceptive intruders are coming from the brain (not you!) and that
these false messages are not indicative of who you are or of the life you could
lead. Other popular therapies have failed to focus on this crucial distinction
between who you are and the symptoms you are experiencing. Although some
methods may teach how to change the meaning of your thoughts (as in
cognitive-behavioral therapy) or how to become aware of your thoughts
(mindfulness), they do not emphatically tell you that these brain-based messages
are not representative of who you really are and that you do not have to act on
In contrast, this book combines the best of cognitive-behavioral therapy and
mindfulness while simultaneously helping you bolster your belief that you
deserve to be free of these unwanted intruders. In so doing, you learn that to
truly change your life and your brain, you must reevaluate the deceptive brain
messages and engage your mind to focus your attention on new, healthy actions
and behaviors.
So, not only do we teach you how to notice your deceptive brain messages and
how to change your relationship to the deceptive brain messages, we also
empower you by showing you that you have within yourself an intelligent,
loving guide (your Wise Advocate) that knows that your brain has been the
problem, not you or your mind.

You Are Not Your Brain: The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life, Reviews



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