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Showing posts from December, 2020

IKIGAI The japanese Secret to a Long Happy Life

  IKIGAI The japanese Secret to a Long Happy Life Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles Translated by Heather Cleary Copyright © 2016 by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles CONTENTS Title Page Copyright Dedication Epigraph Prologue Ikigai: A mysterious word I. Ikigai The art of staying young while growing old II. Antiaging Secrets Little things that add up to a long and happy life III. From Logotherapy to Ikigai How to live longer and better by finding your purpose IV. Find Flow in Everything You Do How to turn work and free time into spaces for growth V. Masters of Longevity Words of wisdom from the longest-living people in the world VI. Lessons from Japan’s Centenarians Traditions and proverbs for happiness and longevity VII. The Ikigai Diet What the world’s longest-living people eat and drink VIII. Gentle Movements, Longer Life Exercises from the East that promote health and longevity IX. Resilience and Wabi-sabi How to face life’s challenges without letting stress and worry age you E

Start Where You Are a guide to compassionate living by Pema Chodron

 Start Where You Are  a guide to compassionate living by Pema Chodron Start Where You Are a guide to compassionate living Pema Chödrön © 1994 by Pema Chödrön Contents Preface ix Acknowledgments xiii 1. No Escape, No Problem 1 2. No Big Deal 12 3. Pulling Out the Rug 20 4. Let the World Speak for Itself 27 5. Poison as Medicine 36 6. Start Where You Are 44 7. Bringing All That We Meet to the Path 60 8. Drive All Blames into One 69 9. Be Grateful to Everyone 77 10. Cutting the Solidity of Thoughts 87 11. Overcoming Resistance 97 12. Empty Boat 109 13. Teachings for Life and Death 115 14. Loving-Kindness and Compassion 124 15. Lighten Up 130 16. Abandon Any Hope of Fruition 136 17. Compassionate Action 144 18. Taking Responsibility for 156 Your Own Actions 19. Communication from the Heart 165 20. The Big Squeeze 175 21. High-Stakes Practice 190 22. Train Wholeheartedly 201 Appendix: The Root Text of the Seven Points of Training the Mind 207 Bibliography 213 Resources 215 Index of Slogans

Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy   Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time Brian Tracy Copyright © 2017 by Brian Tracy Contents Preface Introduction: Eat That Frog 1 Set the Table 2 Plan Every Day in Advance 3 Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything 4 Consider the Consequences 5 Practice Creative Procrastination 6 Use the ABCDE Method Continually 7 Focus on Key Result Areas 8 Apply the Law of Three 9 Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin 10 Take It One Oil Barrel at a Time 11 Upgrade Your Key Skills 12 Identify Your Key Constraints 13 Put the Pressure on Yourself 14 Motivate Yourself into Action 15 Technology Is a Terrible Master 16 Technology Is a Wonderful Servant 17 Focus Your Attention 18 Slice and Dice the Task 19 Create Large Chunks of Time 20 Develop a Sense of Urgency 21 Single Handle Every Task Conclusion: Putting It All Together Notes Index Learning Resources of Brian Tracy International About the Author Preface Thank you for picking up this b

How They Started by Carol Tice & David Lester

 How They Started by Carol Tice & David Lester HOW THEY STARTED How 25 good ideas became great companies Carol Tice & David Lester © Crimson Publishing, 2012 Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter authors MANUFACTURING SPANX MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT Electronic Arts Pixar SERVICES Zipcar INTERNET eBay Etsy Groupon LinkedIn Twitter TripAdvisor Zynga FOOD AND DRINK Chipotle Mexican Grill Gatorade Jamba Juice Pinkberry Whole Foods Market TECHNOLOGY BlackBerry (RIM) Dropbox Google AMERICAN CLASSICS The Coca-Cola Company IBM The Walt Disney Company KFC Microsoft Acknowledgements We must first thank all the founders of the businesses featured who consented to give detailed, frank and insightful interviews about the very earliest days of their companies. Many revealed stories and information that have not been shared publicly before. Many early-stage investors in these brands, founding team members, and other associates of the founders were also generous in sharing the

You Are Not Your Brain

  YOU ARE NOT YOUR BRAIN The 4-Step Solution for Changing Bad Habits, Ending Unhealthy Thinking, and Taking Control of Your Life Book by Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Rebecca Gladding Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Epigraph Introduction PART ONE - A Sense of Self CHAPTER 1 - You Are Not Your Brain CHAPTER 2 - Using Your Mind to Change Your Brain CHAPTER 3 - Why Habits Are So Hard to Break CHAPTER 4 - Why These Sensations Feel So Real CHAPTER 5 - A New Sense of Self PART TWO - The Skills CHAPTER 6 - Ignoring, Minimizing, and Neglecting CHAPTER 7 - Moving Forward with the Four Steps CHAPTER 8 - You Can’t Change What You Can’t See CHAPTER 9 - Changing Your Relationship to Deceptive Brain Messages with Step 2: Reframe CHAPTER 10 - Reframing Your Thinking Errors CHAPTER 11 - The Power Is in the Focus CHAPTER 12 - Progressive Mindfulness and Step 4: Revalue PART THREE - Applying the Four Steps to Your Life CHAPTER 13 - What Is Going On Here? CHAPTER 14 - Using the Four Step

The Miracle Morning Summary

 The Miracle Morning Summary The   MIRACLE MORNING THE NOT-SO-OBIVOUS SECRET GUARANTEED TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE BEFORE 8AM HAL ELROD © 2012 Hal Elrod International, Inc. A Note to You, the Reader No matter where you are in your life right now—whether you’re currently succeeding at the highest level you’ve ever imagined, or you’re struggling to find your way, there is at least one thing I know we have in common (probably a lot more than one, but one that I know for sure). We want to improve our lives, and ourselves. This is not to suggest that there is anything wrong with us or our lives, but as human beings we were born with the innate desire and drive to continuously grow and improve. I believe it’s within all of us. Yet, most of us wake up every day, and life pretty much stays the same. As an author, keynote speaker, and success coach, my life’s work is to teach people how to fulfill the unlimited potential that is within each of us. As a dedicated student of human potential and perso